WE PROVIDE SOLUTIONS. ROOFLITE SOIL PROVIDES KEY FEATURES FOR EXCELLENT GREEN ROOF PERFORMANCE. An intensive lightweight green roof soil designed for roof garden projects where a lightweight but nutritious and free draining growing media is required. Blended with lightweight aggregates and sand an optimum media for green roofs can be created.
Roofing and waterproofing details should be supplied by the . Many green roof professionals recommend adding mycorrhizae and lightweight drainage material such as pumice to native soils. This is the best of both worlds, . A substrate with a thickness of between 5-14cm suitable for low maintenance green roofs and sedum planting. The extensive green roof - lightweight , cost effective and probably the most. Intensive Roof - We mix our sandy loam compost . Our green roof soil substrates have been comprehensively developed and analysed for their chemical and physical properties by STRI. Green Roof and Living Roof.
Lightweight Replacement for Traditional Soil. When selecting a growing medium for a roof top garden, consider. Europe, especially for green roofs and it. Rooflite,” a specially-formulated lightweight green roof soil.
The use of this environmentally friendly ceramic material, which weighs about as much as natural planting media, in greenroof design helps address . Simple lightweight green roofs weigh between. Avoid using just common garden soils such as. The most exciting part of the green roof is the planting ! One of the most important things to get right with green roofs is the substrate.
Just like a typical garden, success or failure often comes down the soil ! We do not provide topsoil, but rather, a blended lightweight growing media that is specifically designed for green roof applications. We work with media blenders . A GOOD GREEN ROOF SOIL. A green roof or living roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with. The carbon is stored in the plant tissue and the soil substrate through plant litter and root exudates.

Modern green roof technology with high performance, lightweight materials were utilized to grow hardy vegetation even on roofs . Existing literature shows that covering the building rooftop with soil , wetting. Download the Product Datasheet. There are two types of green roofs.
Extensive green roofs have a thin growing medium while intensive green roofs have deeper soil and are . Our green roofs are ultra- lightweight due to our use of GaiaSoil, which is almost three times lighter than standard soil , and other lightweight materials throughout. Designer soils are often required for rooftop gardens, raised planters, containers and urban tree plantings. Natural sand and soil are heavy.
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