In certain words, the circumflex is simply . In most words, the circumflex is a linguistic reference to Latin, indicating that the accented vowel used to be followed by one or more now-disappeared letters, often . What is the circumflex accent? Indicated by the sign ^, it is placed over a vowel to show that the vowel or syllable containing it must be . London — FOR me, learning French a quarter-century ago at high school in Scotlan the circumflex that perched atop certain vowels (ê) was . In linguistics, a circumflex is a caret-shaped mark (^) used over a vowel to indicate the pronunciation, length or the omission of a letter formerly pronounced. French speakers have been scratching their heads in recent weeks over the alleged death of the circumflex.

The news went viral that the accent . Oh, it goes back thousands of years, to ancient Greece. Apparence: Like a lovely little . Hello there :) I bought my new and first ever chromebook like not even a month ago so I would really be grateful if you could solve my . An example of a circumflex is the Spanish tilde (˜). Examples of circumflex in a Sentence. It makes no assumptions of your applications and maintains . An acute crisis on a not-so-grave topic. Turmoil took over the simplification for the use of the circumflex accent in the French language.